The Navigators of Space

by J.-H. Rosny Aîné
adapted by Brian Stableford

cover by Vincent Lail

Two creatures emerged, which differed from all those that we had already seen. Standing on three feet, their torsos vertical, there was something positively human about them. Even their faces, whose skin was bare, in spite of their six eyes and the absence of a nose suggested some kind of homology with our species...

The Xipehuz (Les Xipehuz) (1887)
The Skeptical Legend (La Légende Sceptique) (1889)
Another World (Un Autre Monde) (1895)
The Death of the Earth (La Mort de la Terre) (1910)
The Navigators of Space (Les Navigateurs de l'Infini) (1925)
The Astronauts (Les Astronautes) (publ. 1960)
Introduction and Afterword by Brian Stableford.

US$ 29.95 /GBP 22.99
5x8 tpb, 440 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-935558-35-4

In The Xipehuz, men encounter inorganic aliens, with whom all forms of communication prove impossible. In Another World, a mutant whose vision is superior to that of ordinary men discovers that humans share the Earth with two other species, the invisible Moedigen and Vuren. In The Death of the Earth, Earth, in the far future, has become a desert, and the last descendents of humanity are slowly being replaced by a new species, the metal-based "Ferromagnetals." In The Navigators of Space, astronauts travel to Mars in a spaceship powered by artificial gravity and come in contact with a dying race that is gentle, peaceful, six-eyed and three-legged.

J.-H. Rosny Aîné is the second most important figure in modern French science fiction after Jules Verne. Rosny, who was a member of the distinguished Goncourt literary academy, was also the first writer to straddle the line between mainstream literature and science fiction. Until now, Rosny has best been known to the English-speaking public for his prehistoric thriller, Quest for Fire.

This is a series of seven volumes, six of which are translated and annotated by Brian Stableford, devoted to presenting the classic works of this giant of French science fiction.

Consulting editor: Paul Wessels.

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